miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

Cape Town

Is the second city most filled with South Africa after Johannesburgo. It forms a part of the metropolitan municipality of Cape Town. It is the capital of the Western Province of the End, as well as the legislative capital of South Africa, where there are located both the National Parliament and many other governmental headquarters. Cape Town is famous for his port, as well as for his natural conjunction of flora, the Mountain of the Table and Top of the End. Often considered as one of the most beautiful cities of the world for his geography, Cape Town is the most popular tourist destination of the country.

Originally it developed as station of supply for the Dutch ships that were travelling to Eastern Africa, India and Asia, more than two hundred years before the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869. The arrival of the Dutch navigator Jan van Riebeeck on April 6, 1652 meant the establishment of the first European accession in the sub-Saharan Africa. Rapidly it overcame his original intention as the first position of advanced in the Castle of Good Hope. It was the biggest city of South Africa up to the growth of Johannesburgo and Durban.

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