miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

Flora And Fauna

South Africa possesses more than 20.000 different plants, which they represent near 10 % of all the species known about the world, by what it is considered to be a particularly rich area in vegetable biodiversity.

The bioma prevalente in the country is the meadow, specially in the Highveld, where the predominant flora they are the pastures, the low shrubs and the acacias, principally those of white thorn and camel. The vegetation is scantier towards the northwest, due to the low rainfalls of rain.

WWF distinguishes four ecorregiones from meadow of mountain inside the country:
-Meadow of the High place Veld, in the Highveld
-Mountainous meadow of the Drakensberg, in the Drakensberg, below 2.500 meters
-Meadow altimontana of the Drakensberg, in the Drakensberg, over 2.500 meters
-Maputaland-Pondoland's bushes, in the valleys of the southern spurs of the Drakensberg

The Floral Kingdom of the End has been identified as one of the most sensitive points of the South African biodiversity, since it will be seriously affected by the climate change and possesses an enormous diversity of life. The droughts, the increase of the intensity and the frequency of the fires and the increase of the temperature will lead to the extinction of many of these exotic species. The book Scorched: South Africa's changing climate uses great part of the model realized by the SANBI and presents a summary of tests of style story of trips.

South Africa shelters many animal endemic species, as the riverside rabbit (Bunolagus monticularis) that one finds in critical danger of extinction in the Karoo.

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